
V o t e d   B e s t   D a n c e   S t u d i o !  

C e l e b r a t i n g   4 1   Y e a r s !   


Enjoy Recital Videos from

Miss Cindy's School of Dance.

Miss cindy's School of Dance students

City Lights - Sax

City Lights - Broadway Babies

Memories and New Beginnings - A Night to Remember

Calendar Girl -

Make You Feel My Love

Calendar Girl -

Ballet Classique

P.O. Box 656, Quakertown, PA 18951

Quakertown Phone (215) 536-6755         Perkasie Phone (215) 257-4121

cindanz@comcast.net     www.misscindysschoolofdance.com

©2020 Miss Cindy's